Eight types of minor faults and solutions for air compressors

Eight types of minor faults and solutions for air compressors


Eight types of minor faults and solutions for air compressors

In daily maintenance, the most common ones are often some basic maintenance. Sometimes, they even travel thousands of miles to the customer's 

place just to easily replace a component. This move not only wastes money for the customer, but also delays work. Here, based on the descriptions 

of many air compressor engineers, the editor summarizes the eight most common faults and basic maintenance solutions in daily life as follows:

First, check whether there is control voltage. If not, check whether the fuse is intact; if there is control voltage, check whether the control relay 

and time relay are operating normally.

Automatically shut down after starting for a few seconds. From the electrical aspects, such as whether the automatic air switch is tripped, 

whether the voltage is normal, whether the closing degree of the air intake butterfly valve is normal (the compressor cannot be started with load), 

and whether the contactor and the three phases of the motor are normal during Y-△ starting.

Check whether the control cylinder is moving. If so, check whether the butterfly valve has mechanical failure; if there is no failure, check whether 

the loading electromagnetic coil has suction; after eliminating the mechanical failure of the electromagnetic valve and the coil failure, check the 

sub-circuit where the electromagnetic valve is located one by one.

First, check the pressure before and after separation, whether the manual valve and regulating solenoid valve are leaking; then check whether there 

is any leakage in the air pipeline, whether the butterfly valve is fully open, whether the air intake regulator is working properly, whether the solenoid 

valve is leaking, whether the pressure switch needs to be readjusted, etc.

First check whether the piston and valve core of the oil cut-off valve are stuck, and whether the mechanical part is normal; if normal, check the 

one-way valve and reassemble or replace it.

The exhaust temperature is generally 80-95℃. If there is not enough lubricating oil cooling, the temperature will be too high and cause failure. 

First, check whether the ambient temperature, compressor lubricating oil, oil level, oil quality, cold drive fan, etc. are normal; then check whether 

the oil cooler and aftercooler are clean, whether the temperature control valve element, oil cut-off solenoid valve voltage and valve body are 

normal, if the diaphragm is damaged, the temperature control valve core does not work, etc., it needs to be replaced; check whether the oil filter 

is dirty or needs to be replaced.

Check whether the condensate discharged from the steam trap contains too much oil, whether the compressor oil level is high, whether the 

pressure valve opening pressure is normal, whether the return oil pipe is blocked, whether the oil separation core is blocked, etc. The above 

problems will affect fuel consumption and should be dealt with in time.

First, check whether the machine is shut down normally; then check whether the automatic switch and thermal relay are working, whether 

the cooling fan motor stops, or the exhaust temperature is too high, or the pressure is too high, and whether the motor voltage is normal.
