Why choose to work with a factory?

Why choose to work with a factory?


Advantages of foreign trade factories

Foreign trade factories refer to factories engaged in export trade, which usually have their 

own production department and sales department. The factory is responsible for production, 

delivery and after-sales; the sales department is responsible for receiving orders.

1. Price advantage

Usually customers like to cooperate with factories because the price is advantageous, and 

the profit margin will become bigger. Generally, factories with sales department will provide 

one-stop service from ordering to production and after-sales service, which will reduce the 

loss of intermediate links and effectively control and compress the cost. The price of such a 

factory will be lower and competitive in the market.

2. High communication efficiency

Because the foreign trade company has a sales department, production department and 

after-sales department, so customers, whether it is a business negotiation or factory 

inspection and product inspection can be completed in a company, the factory's response 

speed is also fast, greatly improving the communication efficiency.

3. Strong after-sales ability

Once there is a problem with the product, you can directly dock with the factory production 

department after-sales. From maintenance, improvement to research and development, the 

factory can be directly connected to customer needs, so the after-sales ability is stronger than 

the trading company.

4. Able to receive large orders

Factories have production and R & D capabilities, can receive wholesale or distribution type 

of customers, and price advantage, easy to be favored by foreign customers. Therefore, the 

foreign trade salesman is also easy to receive large orders in the factory.
